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Re>Pal Pallets
Re>Pal manufactures light, medium and heavy-duty pallets suitable for racking, stacking and lifting, in a range of load capacities and sizes for use in export, cold storage, food and beverage, manufacturing, building and cement industries.
Re>Pal's pallets are more robust and more durable than timber or plastic mesh-style pallets and the significantly longer lifespan of Re>Pal pallets means lower lifetime costs and therefore higher lifetime value for your business. Less robust pallets ultimately increase costs and lower productivity due to pallet failure and the subsequent need to replace more quickly.
Splinters and nails from timber pallets risk injury to handlers and cause cargo damage - adding costs, delays and risks to your business. Timber pallets are prone to insects requiring fumigation (and potential pest inspections to cross international borders) leading to further additional costs.
Re>Pal’s pallet designs and process easily facilitates the fitting of RFID devices as required.
All production runs are batch tested to ensure all Re>Pal pallets meet our tough durability standards. This includes stacking, racking and lifting tests as well as one metre drop tests.

Light Pallets
Medium Pallets
Heavy-Duty Pallets
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